
Zillion humble souls on the globe

with each promising you to be the hope

the hope when things go downhill,

the promise they make to every single jill.


The promise of never leaving you alone,

the promise that you’ll never be on your own.

The promise of accompanying you in the darkest of zones,

the promise of hearing your faintest of groans.


In the same world brimming with promises

hoax, unfulfilled, uncalled, callous promises

here I stand running short of words,

words to provide you with one of the accords.


The same accord of never leaving you alone,

the same accord that you will never be on your own

the same accord of accompanying you in all the zones,

the same accord of hearing all your groans.


But isn’t it what each of them said

before their promises and words begin to fade.

Isn’t it what they said before leaving you alone.

You sobbing, trying to handle it on your own.


It’s not that I’m here to promise you the world

neither am i here to promise you something complex and gnarled.

But some very simple things from me you can take,

some very basic promises I too do have to make.


Promise I make to hear all that you cite

from the busiest day to the most exhausting night.

Promise I make to adore all your flaws

and to keep praising you without a pause.


Promise I make to always be by your side,

to steal away all your tears that you might hide.

Promise I make to always be your smile,

to kick out all your pains, dour and hostile.


From whenever you want to weep your heart out

to whenever you want to have a nice hangout

I promise to be your most faithful sidekick,

I promise to be your cynosure gimmick.


And one more promise I would like to make

that I will always be what I am, not some counterfeit fake.

And just one promise I would like for you to make,

that you will always have that smile on your face, at least for my sake.



Sitting idle in the basement,

remembering your silly little things

while you aren’t here with me

in life’s dismal twirls and swings.


You were the one with all the music,

you were the one with all the lights

and now all that’s left after you

are the morbid,insipid nights.


Nights when we were together

dancing to the tunes of our heartbeat

falling, wasting ourselves to sleep.

But life is not always that sweet


especially after the day u just walked out

and misery stepped into your shoes

with smiles just following your trails

all that’s left is me and my blues.


Sitting forlorn on the frozen roof

much alike the heart and the soup

with that old rusted guitar of your’s

playing ‘careless whispers’ in a loop.


But songs don’t bring back people

at least not in our real lives,

where miracles seldom do happen

if only, isin’t it vives ?


But you will come back for sure

back to me, to answer my wishes.

You will come back i know

with your warmest hugs and sweetest kisses.


Till then it’s me, and are here

memories of the silly little things

that we used to bond over

in life’s beautiful twirls and swings.



The scavenger.


In the reign of hopelessness,
I lie shattered as a glass.
Dead, rottening ghastly carcass.

Starved vultures feasting over me,
sucking my sap sip by sip
with their inveterate lies, so glib

that I am alive and breathing
and beautiful and brainy.

But mother f#*#*%g bastards,
what they failed to vision
was the rise of a reason

for me to rise and crush
every single beat of their heart
into heaps of dust and dirt.

But to rise for a reason
so miniscule, so worthless
will suit my reputation nevertheless.

So I thought and let them feast
welcoming my death to say the least.

Slowly and slowly they sucked me out.
Chunk by chunk, drop by drop
for i had lost all reasons of hope.

Flying down came the legions of death
to take my soul to the land of faith.
Where no more scavenger would dine me out,
where angels would adore my features aloud.

And so I waited for days to come,
for years to pass, for millennia to fly.
But all it was a worthless thing to try.

For only time matured not the hope
neither the situation nor the globe.
Well the one thing that didn’t remained the same
was my conscience, the idiot, the naive.

And that one thing did happened for good,
as realisation is a must for a mind so lewd.
So I did realised who it was
the scavenger, the scrounger alas

In the reflective mirrors of time flying past
I got glimpses of the beast at last.
And yes, I knew him like no one else.
For someone can only know himself.

I was the one all through this time,
the culprit, the convict the doer of the crime.
For I was the scavenger,
the ugly, the beautiful.

Diary of an Entrepreneur.


Dear diary,
We were both standing on the bridge, our reflections were staring us back, the water was cold, the weather was freezing, the heart was beating, the blood was boiling. It all ended. He jumped, I didn’t. The trick was always there in the wind. The trap was always open. He is free now. I am still trapped. Thinking. Acting. Searching.

But I made the difference. I pushed him. For his sake. For mine. Success is his. Freedom is mine.
We were both there, we were both ready, so what was it that I got but he was unable too?
An idea……..
An  idea of what?
He didn’t knew.
I did.
An idea of change, revolution to say in particular.
To revolutionize the trap. To make it what it isn’t.

Entrepreneurship as people like to call it.
Passion as I like to call it.
Life as they like to call it.

I am budding, aspiring to see my idea breathe. I am loving to see it take shape. Feels like childbirth minus the pain plus the fire . A journey to satisfy this fire.
It feeds, the fire. On milestones of success. The more it feeds the more it grows. Never ending.
I have a family like you all.  They are not jealous like few others. They anchor me. Although they too tried to push me in the lake my friend drowned into as they like many others still see me in the cage, the rat trap. They will understand eventually I know. Till then time must stand still or freeze instead but it will not. Everyone knows that.

People don’t understand. They think I am lunatic ’cause I don’t make money. I work my ass off but I don’t make money. They give their prodigal talks to my parents. Probably they will never understand, reasons why they are just people. Like billions others.

For now I am working endlessly. Days and nights cease to have the difference.
Eyes have relinquished sleep. I am riding on some extraneous drug which has given me new highs. Dreams.

My own empire is what I starve to contemplate. My own organisation. Size doesn’t matters. It will be my brainchild. It will grow, over time. For now the start matters, the beginning.

Yes, money counts. It infallibly does. For a guy whose father has retired years ago it really does.
I am running short of it. Startups need investment. I am elucidating my idea to every possible investor I could find. Loathe it but hoping that won’t regret it..
Found her……
No no no I am not interested in her. My parents think so. Parents you know…
I don’t

My investor. My first investor.
Eqra. Friend. Neighbour.
Don’t know what she saw in my project which others failed to see. Whatsoever, finally someone shared my vision. The thing that matters.

She works. Earns money. Makes sense. Spends it on me. Doesn’t makes sense .
The proceedings are on. The layout is ready. I have transformed my garage into my workshop.
We don’t have a car. But we have a garage. Probably it was meant to be this.
Too much too handle on my own.
I need help. Coworkers. Partners. Employees.
Thinking of asking Eqra. But she is playing her part. You don’t ask your investors to be your employees. Doesn’t make sense.
Asked my buddy. Arav.
Works in a bank. Chair job, you know.
Kept the words. Friend.
He works late night with me, full days on weekends.
Asked Arav how will I pay him?  People don’t work for free. He is my employee.
Give me a share in your company. Laughed.
Joke for him, thought for me.
Eqra is not happy. Don’t know why.
Asked her.
She wants me to spend time with her.
Dining out. Movies. Walks.
Girly stuff, you know…….
I don’t.
Answers. I got.
She proposed me a week later.
Sounds weird. Believe me, felt weirder.
Got the reasons why she is funding my work and I thought my vision is earning the funds.
I told her to wait.
Till when, was the question from her side.
You know, was all that I got.
She did.
I loved her for that. Yes, I do love her.
My parents think I am losing health fast and brain even faster.
Aged 28. Jobless. Unmarried. Unhealthy. Lunatic. Waste. Hopeless.
These were the supplements I was served with the dinner every night.

Arav came running today. Someone was searching for me.
He was offering me a job.
I declined.
Maybe I am lunatic.
Dad came to know about it. Stopped speaking to me.
Three days. He came again. Made a proposal. He will invest in the venture. But will take a share of the profits.
Profits. Never thought about.
Probably now was the time.
I freed Arav. Still he came on weekends and helped. Friends you know.
I don’t……
Now we are officially working. Five more guys. Office building. We started generating revenues. Money. Tastes good.

I asked Eqra’s parents today. Marriage you know. They declined.
Hindu Muslim brotherhood you know.
Neither I have a fat salary package to woo them..
Budding Entrepreneur . The local magazine featured my story with the title. Sounds good. Only wished the budding will drop soon.
Eqra’s parents visited our house today.
Money really do matters. You know….
We are shifting to the capital . He said we will flourish there more rapidly. More crowd. More exposure. More money makes sense. Eqra insisted to come along. More out of fear of her parents marrying her somewhere else rather than love.

Tagged her along. More out of love rather than fear. Love you know….. 
Ma got teary. Dad controlled them.
Parents you know…….

For now bye bye diary. Will miss you.
Dear diary,
Feels awesome to be back. Back to home. After such a long time.
3 years. Really long time.
Ma again went all teary. Dad controlled them again. Everything seemed the same except it wasn’t.
Ma has developed thyroid.
Dad has lost hair.
Eqra is pregnant
Arav quit his job a year back. He now owns share of my company. A big chunk. I interviewed him. My only question which he had to answer was how much share did he wanted. I take jokes damn too seriously.
My investor, now a shareholder. Big one.
I, the change.
I run a company whose annual turnover has reached crores in the last three years. Sounds insane. Believe me it’s not the money. It’s the dream.
Matters both, counts none.

About the other things
People still think I am lunatic `cause I still work my ass off despite having a load in my bank account. People. Will always remain the same.
The title. Yes they now count me in the list of Entrepreneurs.
My parents are still not happy with me.
They never will. Parents you know….
They want me to get married. Yes, we aren’t married yet.
Matters but probably doesn’t counts.
What really counts is the fact that today when I stand in front of the mirror  I see myself as what I wanted to see myself as.

Revenge go gaga…


Confessional videos. That’s exactly what my friend asked me  to Google when I asked him where did he got the video from.
I searched the web to the best of my efforts but was inept in finding the link of the video which kept haunting me from days.
The video. What was so special about it??
Did it featured ghosts?? 
I am not afraid of wandering spirits anymore. I don’t have nightmares implicating mythical creatures. Humans have replaced them.
I pity them. Poor spirits.

Then  what was so special about the video that ushered my mind so badly.
Yes, it featured humans. No doubt about that. I am  so sure that the creature evinced in the video was a human ’cause no other viable creature can get so squalid.

The video was of a girl being molested verbally and sexually by a man (Of course, who else can it be) . The man who was molesting her was constantly threatening her of taking her job. He forced her to have oral sex, raped her and recorded everything on camera. The girl on the other hand kept begging for mercy. By the verbal arguments that followed in the video I was hinted a bit about what the bigger picture was all about.

THE BIGGER PICTURE ( no age limits )
The man was engaged to the girl. The girl was a working in some kind of office. The man caught the girl red handed, being intimate with one of her coworker. He recorded her video.
# the end.

So all said in concision the man was seeking a revenge.
But the question is, a revenge for what?
Million questions unanswered.
Few things left unsaid.

They weren’t even married and the man was claiming his monopoly over her.
He could have broken the engagement but he chose the other way around REVENGE.


Isn’t the word just sweet and cool. Just like your favourite butterscotch ice cream. But believe me this a dessert that is as hard to digest as a supermarket poly bag.

If we look around ourselves we will see everybody, literally everybody playing his part in some kind of a revenge saga.
Now-a-days people take offense very quickly and very seriously.
She didn’t replied to my message. Offended.
He didn’t greeted me on my birthday. Offended.
They forgot our anniversary. Offended.
He  married a girl from another caste. Offended.
He married a girl. Offended.
He married. Offended.

And the only way people see to clear their offense is to seek revenge. From not wishing him back on her birthday to honour killings.
Revenges comes in all shape and sizes.

But is it really necessary?
The question is inevitable and unanswerable at the same time.

But one thing is for sure that it nowhere ebbs the pain just consoles the heart instead, just like we do when the exam questions arrive in our hands.
( not you bespectacled geniuses.)

My take….
Amongst all the other things we have been endowed with, there is one that is as priceless as Jenna Jameson’s videos ( no pun intended ) in our laptops.
And that one thing is life.
All of the others are alternative.
And not only we get it once but that too in slender quantities. That alone proves how precious it is.
So if it is so precious then why waste it
holding grudges and seeking retaliation.
Just go out, hold some hand ( if it leaves then seek another. There are 3,418,059,380 hands of opposite sex to hold, as a matter of fact.), smoke a weed, sing your heart, dance your mind, play an instrument, reproduce, make out, travel a while, cry a lot and do every crazy shit that makes you feel alive and someday you will come to realise that life was worth something.

Making It Even….


Last Monday my roommate’s phone rang. What surprised me was not the phone call. It was something I was accustomed with. The thing which grabbed my eyeballs were the expressions that followed on his face.
The call lasted for about a minute.

“What happened?” I enquired as soon as the phone was down from his ears.
He told me it was his brother on the phone and he was crying.
“Why?” I asked out of utter curiosity.
“Don’t know. He was just crying and telling me to come over to his apartment.” “I need to go.”
He pulled up his jeans and started searching for his t-shirt.
In the society where I come from, there are only two things that can bring a guy to tears. First one is a girl and second one is a gun. I feared the second.
“Do you want me to come with you.” I regretted the question as soon as I asked it.
“Yes.” He said it as if he was just waiting for the question.
I was trapped.

While sitting in the auto I was imagining the possible situations that could have happened. Gang war. Murder. Accident. Threat call. I was  imagining every grave danger that I was getting myself into. (Yes, despite being a student of one of the most dreaded colleges of the city I had a pretty clean reputation of never getting myself into a brawl.)
I was in my thoughts just when the call came again. What now?
“What happened?” I asked him hoping that the matter must have been resolved by now.
“He asked to come near the local police station.”
WTF. Now the police is also involved.

I was regretting my decision to accompany him every passing millisecond.
“We are there.” He exclaimed.
I saw the police station. We got down.
We were waiting outside the police station for his so called brother just when I saw a boy on the other side of the road waving at us. It was him. He came to us.
“What’s the matter” I asked.
“It’s a girl.”
I was relieved as the case of gun was ruled out. But the police was still involved.
“ Was she raped by you?” That was me.
( Rapes have become so common in India that the only grave thing you imagine happening with a girl is her being raped. Truth. Bitter truth. Our truth.)
“Noooooo” he replied as if I had questioned his virginity.
“Then why is the police involved?”
I seriously wanted to stay out of anything associated with police.
“ I just called you near the police station because that’s the closest reference point to my apartment.”
Yes, I wanted to dislocate his jaw.
I don’t have a temperament problem but  still I wanted it. Here I was scared to death, picturing myself standing in a police station, being thrashed up by the cops and here this jerk is using the police station as a reference point.

“Let him narrate.” That was my roommate.
And the mystery unfolds……..
His roommate (there are a lot of roommates involved.) met a girl, a salesgirl to say in particular two days ago at the entrance of their apartment. She was advertising for a new newspaper. She gave his roommate her number and left. Since then they were in touch. They had met a few times since then. Today, they decided to meet at his flat.

The girl arrived. They went inside a room and started talking. After a while the boy went outside to get something to eat ( that is what I was said).
What happened next…………?

The girl locked the door from inside. She started shouting. Suddenly a crowd of people along with the landlady gathered outside the flat. They asked the girl to come out and assured her that she was safe.
After a lot of assurance and talks she finally came out.
Everyone bombarded her with questions.
She just said, “I am a salesgirl. The guy who lives here asked me to come upstairs to pay me the money of the subscription form. When I arrived here he locked me inside the flat. I was too scared so I locked myself in this room and started shouting for help. Let me call my colleague, he lives nearby.”

She fled away with these words. Now everyone caught my friend’s brother who was in the next room with his earphones plugged in. They accused him of also being involved. When his roommate arrived he was also caught by the crowd. Both of them were then thrashed brutally.
On the other note there landlady ordered them to bring their parents the  next day( that was the reason he was crying)
The crowd dispersed slowly towards their homes having more important chores to focus their attention on.

But more surprises were in store  for the guy. When he entered his room he found that several things were missing. Included in the list were :

1. A smartphone worth 15K.

2. His wallet which had some  4K INR.

3. A gold ring.

Mystery solved……
She was a CON.

The boy found a stamp size photograph of the girl ( she must have dropped it by mistake). I saw it. She was smiling…….

I felt happy. I don’t know why, but I did.
Over the course of days that followed I realised why I felt happy that day.

Our society is sophist. We don’t treat women like ordinary human beings. We consider them as materialistic possessions. We persecute them every time provided an opportunity. We ( I in particular) are  part of a society which is so stuffed with this patriarchal phantasy, that we can worship women but can’t respect them. We can love them but we can’t provide them with the basics of freedom.

That lady reflected glitters of possibility for the feminine breed. She was just making it even.………
Tit for Tat. Eye for an eye.

Many of you must be thinking, what was the fault of the boy. My answer is, being one.
Moreover that’s the way we answer every crime victimising a women.

Concluding,  go out girls make the society pay for the morals (bondages) it has gifted you in the shining platter. Make them pay for those over boiling testicles they carry along, that has cost women their lives.
Go out and make it even.
and enjoy while doing so as why should boys have all the fun!!!

I saw that girl, a week later with another guy. She saw me. I was smiling. She didn’t knew why. I did.

LOVE………… fake emotions, rushing hormones£.



Passing few days have raised tremendous doubts in my mind, for do the four alphabets really need to collaborate? Seems strange for a question from the head of a guy who needed to justify it’s piousness for every single day in his past life. But when I really opened the eyes of my brain the world contradicted me to its best.

I think their is another word which has enormous possibilities of replacing this four lettered trash- LUST. Yes, I said that.
As for love I will just call it an illusioned attraction of opposite sexes. It’s just like two opposite poles of a magnet attracting each other. I guess we can’t say that they love each other. It’s in their nature to get attracted towards the other and they can’t do anything about it. Moreover if being pulled towards the opposite sex is what you call love then you got to admit that magnets are beings possessing a deeply romantic heart as their separation needs external forces to be applied.

The case with us, humans is that we have developed a tendency of colliding with whatever or whoever is with us.
Reasons why long distance relationships work so seriously and the final destination of every single lovebird
(so called)  i.e. love marriages are proving out to be such a disaster. Divorces are getting trendy and attorneys are getting rich. If you call this love, man you have guts of calling a cow a ferocious predator.

Yes, there is one person indeed in this world whom we really love. Without complaints, without demands. That’s none but ourselves.

One more thing I would like to clarify, why the world’s greatest love sagas ended with the couple’s death. It’s the same as awarding an incomplete story with the fiction of the year title.
If they would have been so alive maybe results would have been something even more radical like break ups, divorces or maybe one would have murdered the other over some india- china debate or the best that could have happened to them was a dozen children to raise( manufacturing children is not love to you I guess).

So my word to take or to reject : remain single, be lustful, remain attracted (as long as you are able to) and die someday for someone who you think will be perfect to live with (but don’t start living with him instead) and your story might feature in history’s greatest  romances. Mark my words.




When the world just shouts at you,
when the problems say you Hye,
when losing is all and all through,
when you just think to say goodbye.
When your love left your heart alone,
when you just think to say ‘I quit’,
with all your determination drown,
The water is putting off the heat.

It’s time to burn yourself.
With a stick of death’s pyre.
It’s time to stop waiting for help
and put up your aspirations on fire.

When everyone loses faith in you,
When the pain makes you groan,
when your heart is pierced through,
and you lose everything known.

When your blood just dries out,
When your tries are all fail,
When waste is all you shout,
It’s tough to choose in heaven or hell.

It’s time for the heart to heal,
It’s time for a new desire,
It’s time when your heart will feel,
To put up your aspirations on fire..

INDIA 2020£.


“What do you dream of?” that’s the question A. P. J. Abdul Kalam asked a little kid a few years back. The kid answered, “I want to grow up in a developed INDIA.”

INDIA, a home to 1.252 billion people and more than 7 lakh industries surely looks like a country to watch out for in the nearby future. Going by the stats it really does look like a country full of opportunities and the thing is it really is. But opportunities alone cannot make development . Rahul Gandhi had an opportunity of becoming the prime minister of world’s largest democracy. He screwed it. So opportunities are not the only thing that matters.

So, where are we gonna be in the next five years? By 2020. At the end of a decade.
The question that the mind frequently encounters is why 2020? Is the year so mention worthy just because some novelist titled one of his books as so. I don’t think so.

Moving on, there are two characters of  everyone’s personality. A pessimist and an optimist. 
The pessimist part of me says that INDIA has been wrapped up in chains of slavery from periods unknown. Slaves in the hands of foreigners, corruption, religion, mentality and what not the list is endless. So what difference can five more years make? Nothing. It has always been like this for decades and five more years are not going to bring any noteworthy change.
Yes, we will develop. A lot in fact but only in terms of population, corruption, pollution, crime etc. It says that we Indians shouldn’t dream too much. As dreams are sweet and we Indians with a population of 76 million diabetic patients can’t afford any more sweets.

At a point of time even I start believing that change is an evitable thing in INDIA but then suddenly my optimist part comes into existence.
It’s vision gave me the second thoughts that I always wanted to have.

My optimist part sees possibilities. By 2020 it dreams of a nation whose voice will be heard loud and clear in the international arena. It dreams of a nation where NIRBHAYA will walk in the narrowest streets, in the darkest of hours, in the shortest of clothes, alone and still reaches home safe and sound. It dreams of an INDIA whose name will be the only identity of it’s people. It dreams of a nation where someone’s patriotism will not be judged by the clothes he wears or the name he bears. It dreams of a nation where people respect the women in their homes rather than the ones riding a wild animal. It dreams of a nation where GOD will reside in hearts rather than temples, masjid, church and gurdwaras.

It dreams of a nation like the nation a great patriot RABINDRA NATH  dreamed of – Where the mind is without fear and the head is held high.
Where knowledge is free.
Where the world has not been broken up into fragments
By narrow domestic walls.
Where words come out from the depth of truth.
Where tireless striving stretches its arms towards

Perfect or not INDIA has still got it’s share of development to witness. About the character part it’s solely our decision to take.
Concluding let’s just hope that the next time when a kid is asked about what does he/she wants to be the kid’s answer will be something more inane like a barbie princess, a rockstar, a model, Rahul Gandhi (really I meant that) rather than spending his/her dream on something which would have been achieved by then.

Here are a few lines by a very energetic young lad (that’s me as a matter of fact)

2020  or  3010
visions may vary but not the name
the name that rushes with the blood
the name that beats with the heart
INDIA            INDIA         INDIA!!!!!!!

The BucketList£.


Death. As soon as the crass cacophony of this five lettered word strikes our eardrums the lustre of our faces starts fading away. An inevitable event, an event whose slight glimpse gives a whole lot of us goosebumps.


Many of us will change topics when the discussion arises as they develop a cold feet whenever they imagine themselves as a disfigured,  rottening corpse. Many will start brushing philosophies, of it being the sole path of merging with the ultimate one. There’s also a clan of mega minds who will do nothing except smiling at the foolishness of the ones who are discussing about it, as according to them why spend their quality time debating on things whose possibility is nowhere to be seen in the nearby future.

But apart from these highly intellectual minds there also exists a population of those who redefine the get together of these five alphabets.
Who are these people?
Are they from mars?
Surely not. These are simple humans, like we are. These are people who know how much sand is left in their hourglass. These are people suffering from deadly cancers, AIDS, these are people who have received threat calls from chota rajan, chota shakeel and chota what not.

So what’s that one thing they come to realise overnight after getting the medics report or a late night phone call. There’s no secret remedy that they get, neither do they come to know of some secret message from GOD. They just come to learn one simple lesson that life tries to teach all of us during it’s entire course. They see there one shot chance of fighting their life long fear of death, they just come to realise that it is their  time to dust off all the chains and boundaries, all restrictions and limits, to set free, climb mount everest, write their autobiography, propose their childhood crush, shower all they can on their beloved ones, dance nude in front of Parliament, announce on a radio channel that they are alive, to live their dreams and what not and why not?

The recent misfortune that Australian cricketer Phillip Hughes suffered has somehow raised the age old question in our minds again – how much uncertain can life be?


So instead of lying on the bed waiting for death to arrive and wrap you up in its arms, go outside, take your shot. Take a paper, pick a pen and start creating the check boxes that may make your death worthy of the life it has succeeded. Complete as much of them as possible. Don’t leave any stone unturned. Life may not be long but it provides us with enough opportunities to make it large.

So everyone out there who have got their reports, calls or not, go start making your bucket list before you start hearing the ticking of clock of life.
Once prepared take the list, pack your bags, stiffen your butts and begin the journey.